Intercession for Nigeria

Kingsley Ekpott
3 min readApr 30, 2023

2Chronicles 7:14 says if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (; I am writing this only to those who are called by the name of the Lord, from a pure conscience. We have to stand in the Gap and intercede for our nation so that God can turn away from this impending danger that is upon us. There is judgement that is determined against our land, because of the wickedness upon this land, but there is a chance that we can stay the hand of God. This is why I am sending this message, and it should be taken with utmost urgency.

Even though there might be words that have gone against us by our adversary that as profane Esau sold his birthright for food did not receive forgiveness, even though he sought it with strong crying and tears, we have collectively sold our birthrights to our enemies for food, and that we do not deserve mercy. However, there is word that have gone for us that when we sin, He will chastise us with the rod of men, but His Mercy will he not take from us like He did to Saul. This is the hope we have, otherwise, there is evil determined for us by our adversary, only God can save us.

We have to come and stand in the gap, ask for mercy, that it rejoice over judgement that has been determined against us. It is not for everyone, those for whom it is meant will know themselves.

To stand in the gap, we should note that:
1. Only people who are called by the name of the Lord is this call made to. They don't need to be many, even a man that will stand in the gap is sufficient, but I pray there is more than a man.

2. We must humble ourselves before God. We must acknowledge, like Daniel did in his intercession, that we have deserved what is coming for us, and ONLY appeal and ask for God's unfailing mercy, because that is only what will save us. We don't have any more rights again, in this case, only His mercy is our hope at this juncture.

3. We must pray. We must pray earnestly and fervently. It is only the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous that can save us now, that is why it must only be those that call upon the name of the Lord. These specific people must then pray effectually and fervently to God for his Mercy. You pick any time, or any place, but let it be effectual and fervent. Get others together if you can, otherwise pray alone for the God of Spirits to have mercy on us.

4. ...and seek God's face: this is intercession, seeking his mind. Asking him what he want us to do specifically, with a humble spirit to obey. Let God reveal His mind to us and we must come with a humble heart to carry it out, immediately.

5. Turn from our evil ways. It is our sin that has brought us here, so we must repent, we that are called by the name of God and begin to live right. Live right by walking in love before God and men, refusing to curse or speak evil of our nation Nigeria, which we are interceding for. We have all sinned and we must repent. that God can hear us from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.

Let us go to God in prayers and ask for mercy, who knows God might turn away from His great anger towards us.

Whatsoever God will do, will be drastic, for good or for bad. For good, we will see the drastic judgement of our enemies, for judgement, it is going to be obvious that this is God's judgement on us.

I pray God will save us and give us His salvation, in the land of the living.


