Education and Society — A Critical Analysis

Kingsley Ekpott
2 min readOct 3, 2022


So, what do we need in Nigeria?

A very powerful government, relatively centralised state power, governed by very powerful laws, very hard on the government, strictly imposes limits to the powers of the government. Created to assume that absolute power belongs to the people and laws exists to impose limits to the power of the government and not grant rights to the people.

A people prove that they deserve more power if they can unravel the elaborate structures that is used to rule or govern them by their leaders and then on the basis of that change a current class of rulers for those they feel are better. If a people willingly relinquish their powers and freedom to any other in exchange for anything else be it safety, food or even their life, they have by that act proven that they do not deserve the freedom and power they currently possess and hence deserve the oppression they would get.
By this analysis it becomes obvious that the most sacred of institutions of any society is it’s educational system, which is the only means of getting people to that point where they become better than they currently are, enough to question the system they currently have and yearn for a better system. This is because, no matter how good a system state is, sooner or later the ruling class develops whose role is governing alone, as a career and when society gets to that point, it is natural, the government will become corrupt,and hence more oppressive. So the people will then seek to change the system of government to a more effective one.

Therefore, the education of a people must never be left in the hands of a government, as that will be akin to giving the soul and destiny of a people to their government. The ultimate balance of power of a government is the class of educated populace, for they are the ones that will constantly push the frontiers of enlightenment of the people until they are sophisticated enough to break every bound imposed upon them during their years of ignorance.
When you start recognizing certain restrictions as oppressive, then you have only one more task find a better alternative before attempting to change an existing order. That is the sign you have been educated enough for the next phase of your liberty until you achieve absolute freedom and liberty.
So, education must be powered by the people and must continue until they begin to demand for a greater degree of freedom from their leaders and when they evolve a system where they can outsmart their leaders that is the ultimate proof of their readiness to relax the old order of things.
I believe this is what’s happening in Nigeria currently with this election. The education of the people has reached the threshold where they demand a better system and if they can outsmart the current elites then we are ready for the new Nigeria.

